Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hey everyone..
i'm doin bcom(hons)-2yr frm gcg-11..
basically i'm a very sweet,jollygood,naughty,crazy,funny,cute chirpy chatterbox...
who loves to make frnds,love to live my life in my way...jst wants to live my life at its full form..
I did my yes+ crs in august..that was turning point of my life..really had an mindblowing experience of that course..enjoyed evrybit n evry second of course..
it has changed my life n so do my nature to its full....
earlier i was a stubborn,arrogant,lazy,impateint kind of person..
usually my day always started up wid a war wid my mom or with a foul word....i was so tensed up with my problems that i was on a tendency to suicide....
my main problem was my anger n mood swings

this corse has helped me so much in coping up with all kind a prblmz....
nw i'm a totally different person...nw i'm more happy,enthusiastic n good person....
made so many freinds..who r always dere to help me out in any kind of situation.
nw i'm putting up my 100% to b with dis course n its activities.....

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